An Ad Hoc meeting is one that occurs outside your usual recurring meetings or meeting rhythms. They are also called one-off meetings. Ad Hoc meetings are called to deal with a specific topic or discussion versus a recurring meeting that takes place at regular intervals and has ongoing, regular topics. Ad Hoc meetings can be unstructured with no preparation or planning, or they can be structured with an agenda and meeting minutes. It depends on the purpose of the meeting.
Most businesses have regular recurring meetings that happen weekly, monthly, or quarterly. You should have an ad hoc meeting when:
Example: You are planning a party to celebrate your company's 10th Anniversary. This is a one-time event and you have asked for volunteers from your team to help plan it.
At Tadum, we know that agendas are impactful for all meetings because:
When everyone is prepared for the meeting, the meeting is much more effective!
For Ad Hoc meetings, the structure of an agenda is less important than simply having one in the first place. It depends on the purpose of the meeting and the outcome you are hoping to achieve. Some examples of what you could include:
Example: A general meeting agenda to plan the 10th Anniversary Party:
Depending on the purpose and result of the Ad Hoc meeting, you might:
Example: After the 10th Anniversary Party is over you might have a follow-up meeting to share the compliments that clients and colleagues shared during the party, and to thank your planning committee for their great work. You could also gather feedback from everyone on how they think the event went.
Tadum is meeting minute and agenda software that helps you get organized and stay accountable. Tadum will help you run Ad Hoc meetings in the following ways:
Example: This is what the Ad Hoc meeting agenda for the 10th Anniversary Party looks like in Tadum:
If this looks like something you want to try out, sign up to start a free 14 day trial! See how Tadum helps you run both your Ad Hoc meetings and your recurring meetings.
Try using Tadum today, you'll be glad you did :)
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We’ve rolled out a big update today that cuts the load speed on large agendas by up to 70%!
Guess what!! We added reactions to the Tadum interface so you can show how you feel about different agenda items, confirm you read something, or just show a little support. Learn more and start using reactions on your agenda today!
We are through the initial shock of the Covid-19 pandemic and have adjusted to working remotely and communicating digitally via tools like Zoom and Slack. Virtual communication is now expected but many companies haven’t had time, (or taken time), to think about their digital organizational processes. In particular, many meetings have lost what little structure they had to begin with. It isn’t as simple as hopping on a call. Learn three mistakes that most companies are making with their Zoom meetings and how to avoid them.